halloween countdown day 20- boo...bies cards and elvira sort of.

There are like a billion reasons to love Halloween, but one of the biggest from when I was little was I was allowed to wear lipstick on Halloween in a pretty strict no make-up house hold for a very long time (now a days, like 5 year olds have millions of Instagram followers who they teach how to apply eye liner, but in the 80s “good girls” didn’t even get to wear nail polish! I had a set of fake plastic finger tips that I would put on around the house to feel scandalous until they all became lost in the cushions of the couch, as small fake plastic finger tips are want to do, being, as they are, fake plastic finger tips. And then to add insult to injury when I would cry over not getting real nail polish, the fact I had lost my fake plastic finger tips was used against me as evidence I was not mature enough for real nail polish. The injustice of it all still burns. So, getting to pile on eyeliner and lipstick felt even more liberating than getting to gorge myself on skittles and Reeses peanut butter cups.
In a year where Yandy’s sexy costume of the year is literally a “sexy hand sanitizer,” (look it up if you don’t believe me! Every year the answer to what the heck did yandy try to make sexy this year makes me laugh and cry. This year was like that on steroids.) I think we all could use some light-hearted liberation. It definitely is the year to bring back sending BOO-bie cards to your best girlfriends! Almost ten years ago, while looking at a bunch of acorns on the ground I thought, “wow, those really look like boobs. I wonder if I can work this into a craft project.” And, literally, that was the seed of an idea that grew into this Halloween card that hallmark will never carry, I promise. Yes, my mind works in mysterious ways, but once you see it, you can’t unsee it. This card is perfect for sending to the women in your life who you love and who don’t take themselves, or their boobs, too seriously. Either hand deliver, or pop them in a bubble envelope, no one likes getting smushed. The steps and template if you need one are below.
I really wanted to recommend an Elvira movie to go along with this post, but I can’t. Yes, there is one free on Tubi, but let’s just say unlike Elvira herself who still looks amazing! and might be part vampire for her lack of aging, her movie did NOT age well. It was so bad it went beyond bad into some ether of awfulness that almost makes you feel like your eyes, ears and brain are being assaulted. Yes, she tackles sexual harassment and prudish attitudes but, but, but it’s just so bad, so bad in an 80s way that I couldn’t even watch it. I think the clips on youtube of her show Elvira’s Movie Macabre are much better, and more what I remember being on TV. So, get crafting and until next time…pleasant dreams! Sorry Elvira, but we have way more to worry about than we did in the 80s right now and we need all the good dreams we can get!